Manufactured here in Manitoba exclusively by Hofman Outdoor Gear Supply. 49th Parallel gear is ready to ship. Check us out today & at your door by weeks end!
49th Parallel HyperD Hammock manufactured right here in Manitoba by Hofman Outdoor Gear Supply Included double ended stuff sack Choose your own suspension option
Camping Hammock with integrated bug netHand made by HOGS here in Manitoba! 11' hammock with integrated 0.9oz noseeum bug net. Measures approx. 56" wide at the midpoint. 5 pocket double sided ridgeline organizer to store your stuff
This is the Bottom Entry Bugnet. Designed for our 11 foot netless hammock Material: .67 Nano No-SeeUm Bugnetting
Full length Down filled Underquilt Temperature rated between 100C (14F) 900fp Canadian Hutterite Goose Down Black Argon 90 fabric for the inside colour. Choose your own outside colour. *New Current lead times of 1 week from time of order
1 pair of 10' long tree straps with 3" sewn loop on one end.
2 cinch buckles on 7/64" Amsteel continuous loops 2 Tree straps - 10' long with sewn loop on one end
Full length hammock underquilt using synthetic Climashield Apex insulation. Available in 2 weights - 3.6oz for 1 season & 6.0oz for 3 season.
Full length hammock Top Quilt or Over Quilt using synthetic Climashield Apex insulation.
Ready made 12' ridgeline hex shaped hammock tarp Choose a colour from our available 1.1oz Silpoly Water Resistant Ripstop
Our custom made "Winter" tarp with doors we call the Canadian Shield.
Custom collaboration - add to cart the agreed upon charge for custom work.
The Mantis is specifically designed to work with most variations of daisy chain webbing. Bundle comes with (2) lengths of 12' Spider Daisy Chain Webbing and (2) 8" 7/64 Amsteel continous loops for lightest Daisy chain hammock suspension available.